
Sunday, April 7, 2013

French Provincial Chair Pair

I love French Provincial ANYTHING so I was quick to grab these chairs when I saw them listed on Craigslist.  I wasn't as quick to paint them, though, as they've been sitting in my room for close to a year now.  I will actually kind of miss them because they've become the perfect "catch-all" where I'd throw my clothes when I was too lazy to hang them up!

I finally found some time to paint them this weekend.  I painted them by hand and they were A LOT of work.  There are so many little crevices and the caning was difficult to paint with a brush.  It was worth the effort though; I'm happy with the result.  

I did the first coat in Duck Egg chalk paint...

I then did the second coat in a beige color called Old Ochre.  Next, I sanded both chairs so that the blue color showed through in the "distressed" parts.  

Here are the chairs after their makeover:

Keeping with the French theme, I re-did the seats in toile.

I'm hoping someone will want to take them home!
See "For Sale" section for details.  

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