
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back in Action

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I have an excuse--I've been in Ireland!
My sister and I had a fantastic time on the Emerald Isle, discovering long-lost relatives, taking in the scenery, and of course, visiting more than a few local pubs.

My sister Meghan on the left, and myself

Now that I'm home, it's back to painting.  I just picked up this absolutely fabulous, circa 1920s bedroom set.  It's a matching dresser, bureau with mirror and full size bed.  I'm in love!

Mirror on left attaches to this bureau

I'm planning to paint it off-white.  If anyone is interested in it as-is, without paint, send me an email!  I'll probably start painting this set next week.  I think it will look gorgeous.  Stay tuned....

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