
Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Timeless Bureau

I scored this old bureau on Craigslist.  I love old bureaus like this, particularly when they still have the mirror.  This one was in perfect condition, so it wasn't cheap.  But worth it, in my opinion, because you don't come across them everyday.

I'm guessing that it dates from the mid-20s or thirties, but maybe it's older?  I'd love to take a class on dating furniture.

It is beautiful as is, but I updated this piece with off-white paint and finished it with a protective wax.

It was getting dark by the time I finished, so the lighting in these pictures is terrible.  I'll take some better ones tomorrow!

I love all the details on this one--the legs are amazing, and even have the original wheels attached.  The hardware is all original.  The little inlaid wood details are beautiful.
I would definitely keep this one if I had the space!!

See "For Sale" section for details.

Thanks for reading!

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