
Sunday, July 8, 2012

The coffee table that started it all...

If someone had told me a few years ago that I'd be certifiably obsessed with rehabbing and painting old furniture, I would have called them crazy.  I'd never really picked up a paintbrush; I was never someone who you'd call artistic or creative.

This hobby/passion/side job (furniture rehabbing has become all of these to me), arose when I moved out of my parents' house.  Brian and I needed furniture for our new place.  On a whim, I checked Craigslist (which I'd never used before) and found an old Ethan Allen coffee table with a price of $15, "or best offer."  I offered $10--she accepted!

I brought it home and decided it would look better with a coat of white paint.  I literally bought some paint at Home Depot and globbed it on--no cleaning, sanding or priming.  Even though it wasn't very professional looking, I was still kind of proud of it.  It inspired me to find other inexpensive pieces that I could transform.

Fast forward a year later, and I'm always on the hunt for old furniture.  I'm yet to find an old piece of wooden furniture that I don't love.  Quite simply, they don't make things like they used to.  The detail, quality of workmanship, and beauty of old furniture are seldom seen in new pieces.  Transforming old, worn-out pieces to their former glory is thrilling to me. 

I hope that this blog will be a forum where I can record my adventures in rehabbing old furniture, give some tips that I've picked up along the way, and also showcase pieces that I have for sale.

I hope you'll join me!

The Elegant House

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